

November 2, 2012

How far along are you? 20 weeks

Sleep? pretty decent this week, can't complain much

Best moment? I felt the most amazing movement one day this week. I was relaxing on the couch watching tv and at first I felt a roll (a whole body roll). I was so excited to feel that because I have just been feeling kicks here and there. I was trying to cherish the moment and it happened again - a few more times!! And after he was done flipping around, I felt what I can only assume were his little elbows nudging me really hard. The only way I can describe it is as if he was using his elbows to try and make more room. It was strange, but so beautiful at the same time. I am really going to miss his little movements after I deliver him.

Movement? some days he is more active than others. which completely freaks me out, but I hear it's completely normal

Any food cravings/aversions? those cheap mini chocolate donuts you can buy at the gas station...heaven!

Gender? BOY!!

Belly button? still an innie

What I miss? I miss smelling something and not getting sick to my stomach

Looking forward to anything? organizing the spare bedroom and having a place for everything. right now we have stuff EVERYWHERE!

Symptoms this week: just a little bit of nausea

Weight gain? still no clue. I'll update this section when I go to the doctor in a couple weeks

Wedding rings? On

Maternity clothes? belly band with my jeans or sweats. maternity pants are extremely expensive. I still don't have any maternity tops or dresses

>>>Wanted to add a few pictures in here before I updated from thebump

20 week bump (:
boy parts

What TheBump says: Congrats! You almost reached the halfway point. Making it to 20 weeks probably feels pretty darn good. After all, your energy's high and as long as your partner is up for it, things are probably happening between the sheets. Of course, it wouldn't be pregnancy if you weren't experiencing some annoying symptoms. Right now, it's likely swelling, heartburn and leg cramps, but all of that probably feels insignificant now that you've got ultrasound photos of your rapidly developing baby. How cute is that nose? If you found out baby's sex, you're in a completely new mindset, are we right? Now, those baby names you're throwing out are more likely to end up as baby's, and when you find yourself in a baby store, those little blue or pink outfits aren't just adorable, they're must-haves. And since now you can add clothes and other boyish or girlish things to your wish list, week 20 is the time you probably want to start putting together your baby registry too. Happy shopping! Your baby's the size of a banana! Baby weighs about 10.2 ounces and measures about 6.5 inches. She's still got a lot of growing to do though. Can you believe you're halfway done? She's got working taste buds. Now, she's gulping down several ounces of amniotic fluid each day -- that's significantly more than before.


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